Yoga Supports Physical and Mental Health
Children and young adults are faced with many expectations and constant stimulation through the internet, media and other communication technologies.
To maintain a healthy balance, it is important that adults support the wellbeing of young people by encouraging them to incorporate a variety of activities which will help counterbalance this hyperactivity of mental stimulation on personal psychology and physical wellbeing.
Yoga is an activity that provides training of mind and body to bring emotional and physical balance. It provides a tool for children and young adults to listen inwards to their bodies feeling and ideas.
It facilitates space for the body to rest and relax the nerve on a cellular level. Through a range of breathing and physical asana’s (postures) exercises it shifts the body biochemically from a state of excitement and tension to a state of calm, deep rest and relaxation.
Yoga strengthens and elongates muscles, tone up glands, internal organs and spine nerves. Also increased blood flow aids the digestive system and the lymphatic system to eliminates toxins from the body.
Yoga is also suitable for treating trauma, as regulated breathing calms your parasympathetic nervous system and the mindfulness required helps counteract dissociative effects of trauma.
In studies with teenager’s yoga has been found to strengthen emotional resilience. Some studies suggest yoga can have an effect similar to that of anti-depressants.
The simple practice of mindful breathing is one of the most effective ways to lower stress levels. Breath changes in response to emotions. Actively changing the breath rate can change autonomic function (fight or flight) and mood states.
Yoga supports the flow of energy within the body, thus releasing any tension which may have been created because of trauma and stress.
It also provides space for a young person to go within and connect with their selves on a deeper level, which in turn supports creativity, concentration, self-esteem, self-love, compassion etc.
In conclusion yoga provides many benefits to support both physical and mental health of kids and young adults.