Have you previously heard the statement, ‘We Are One’. Our every thought, every action, every intention affects the whole of creation in all its entirety.
Have you ever wondered how can this be so? How can the whole universe in its vast infinite entirety be connected and the tinniest movement of a grain of sand impact the whole?
One simple example that demonstrates the interconnectedness of life expressed by nature is the following.
In the same way the human bodies flow with the sun and moon, when the sun goes down and the moon comes up, we choose to sleep. Flowers also rest when the sun goes down and the moon comes up as can be visibly seen from their closed petals in the early morning which opens with the day and the rising sun. Demonstrating a universal connected consciousness flowing.
With this awareness of life’s interconnectedness, grows the awareness to take responsibility of one’s actions, thoughts, intentions and the impact they are having overall.
The knowledge that each act and emotion shared has an impact on our personal being, the being of others, the planet we live on and the whole universe, brings our attention to being more mindful of each thought, action, emotion we emit.
A topic very much in the headlines now is the climate crisis planet earth is under. It is clear mother earth is reacting to all the man-made impact and she in return is creating waves of her own.
As Sir Isaac Newton famously stated in its simplest form ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’
With this awareness of the interconnected nature of our universe. Our mindful awareness also grows to be more conscious of our thoughts, actions and intentions in every given moment and how we are impacting our planet and the world.
This thought also highlights the ‘power of now’ for the current moment impacts equally on the past, present and future, illustrating the concept in now flows all of entirety.
In conclusion, know you matter, your thoughts emotions, actions all count. You are impacting your world. You have the power to choose the impact you make.
Blog Author: Dawattie Basdeo