Why Are Statistics on Self-harm and Depression in Young People Growing
Once again, this week, it has been reported that the statistics are increasing for our young suffering from self-harm, depression, anxiety, suicide to name a few.
And the question that keeps popping into my head is “Why is this happening?”
We are currently the most advanced we have been, why is this happening to our children, surely if anything our young should be experiencing a rise in health and well-being.
I have posed the question to several people, and the consensus has been, too much technology, media influence and breakdown of the family unit to name a few.
The next question that naturally flows and pops into my head is how can we stop these growing statistics and reverse them?
What solutions and help are we currently providing for young people who currently feel challenged in their lives.
One of the tools which I think the current education system needs to facilitate more is yoga and meditation.
The reason why I think this is a resource that will support young minds, is the fact that yoga and meditation creates a space where a young person can connect with their core, recognise and acknowledge the beauty of their soul, their spirit.
Tune into the source of their anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts and learn to dissipate them.
Once a young person masters the art of connecting with their diamond within, know they are part of a Universe that loves them unconditionally, this will provide the guiding light to illuminate those moments of darkness that may surface.
These are a few of my thoughts on the subject, please do share your thoughts on why and suggestions on how we can stop and reverse the current growing statistics below.
Thank You