Leader from the Heart
Only from the heart can we touch the sky – Rumi
We are each natural born leaders of our lives and whether we choose to solely be a leader of our own life or be a group leader the same skill sets are applicable.
As Mahatma Gandhi famously said everything begins with me.
And there could never be a truer statement, we must first master leadership of our own lives.
We must stand in our own truth’s, know that We Are Enough and Lead from the Heart.
Compassion is key. We each have a moral compass and when we lead with compassion we are following our moral compass.
Compassion is listening and expressing our authentic self with kindness, love and humility to ourselves and others, making choices that serve the greater good of all.
Embracing our common humanity, treating others as we would want to be treated, taking time to time to put ourselves in the shoes of others and understanding their truths.
Compassion gives rise to hope, courage, determination and inner strength all essential qualities for good leadership.
As a young person do you make choices from a position of fear or love. Choosing to be a leader of your life from a place of love, firstly of yourself, will be the most empowering choice to make.
Blog post by Dawattie Basdeo